When human cultures rub up against each other, we talk of melting pots and borderlands. When geographic cultures meet up and create a free-f...

When human cultures rub up against each other, we talk of melting pots and borderlands. When geographic cultures meet up and create a free-f...
A total of 1,097 people have received an award in the 2020 New Year Honours List, with 941 at BEM, MBE and OBE level – and 72% of recipients...
A cognitive bias is a way of perceiving things that often makes no logical sense, but is very powerful nevertheless. Understanding common ...
"In this Farnam Street interview, Jim Dethmer, founder of The Conscious Leadership Group shares practical advice about becoming more se...
The last round up for this year of corporate support and fundraising help, featuring a range of companies and charities including Boeing and...
"3,788 unaccompanied refugee children are currently located in Greece, having been violently separated from their families. For these c...
In 1987, while teaching a class at MIT [the Massachusetts Institute of Technology] on nonviolence, philosophy lecturer Lee Perlman had a nov...
Culture is an important factor for organizations in having a healthy and high performing workplace. The right culture doesn’t just make the ...
Picture this: It's almost 11pm on a hot August day. You're exhausted, having just driven over 600 miles, and you arrive at the newly...
Contactless giving is helping the homeless in Bristol, while Save the Children has once again used contactless jumpers to raise cash, and th...
As 2019 draws to a close, I wanted to once again put together a list of the most-read articles published during the year. Our contributors ...
Sue Cochrane is a former family court judge who sought to bring more love into the practice of law. The forces she battled were not confined...
"Imagine feeling more love from someone than you have ever known. You're being loved even more than your mother loved you when you ...
LadBaby has made Christmas number 1 for the second year running, this time with I Love Sausage Rolls, and with all proceeds again going to t...
The Steve Morgan Foundation marked November’s Diabetes Awareness Month by making a further charitable pledge of £1million to support type 1 ...
Technology & services provider for grassroots sports clubs My Club has partnered with Ascend Fundraising Solutions to launch My Club Lot...
Members of the board of the Ireland Funds America have each donated an extra $10,000 to cover the losses suffered from an alleged embezzleme...
Don't panic, but your year-end email campaign should start later this week. The final week of the year is huge for online fundraising. ...
The over 65s are twice as likely to set up a direct debit online to a charity, compared to 18-24-year olds, while millennials are more likel...
"John Prendergast is a retired psychology professor, spiritual teacher, and the author of books such as 'In Touch' and 'Lis...
The Government is making a further £1.15m available to community pubs. The funding will help an estimated 100 new groups to take ownership ...
This year's Movember raised a record number of contactless donations, while TAP London has expanded to 100 contactless donation points f...
"Each of these three types of hospitality has strengthened my ability to accommodate the strange -- that thing or quality that is diffe...
"Rilke considered the cold season the time for tending ones inner garden. 'In the depths of winter, I finally learned that within m...
Robin Wall Kimmerer, scientist, professor of environmental botany, author of Braiding Sweetgrass, and spellbinding storyteller, helps us to ...
Barnardo's is encouraging people to give their unwanted Christmas presents to charity after a survey showed that 1 in 5 people feel too ...
Novamedia and the Postcode Lotteries has been named the biggest charity donor in Europe and the second biggest in the world, in the latest c...
From tree planting to events sponsorship and donations of Christmas presents: businesses are supporting charities and good causes across the...
In the third quarter of 2019, donors gave a combined $2.6 million to GiveWell for granting to recommended charities at our discretion . We g...
Want to know the most impactful place to spend your time on money for online funraising? Your donation pages. That's where it all hap...
Peer-to-peer fundraising is an important part of a social good organization’s overall fundraising strategy. But as people increasingly becom...
"Light does not use syntax. Robins do not speak in syllables as we would recognize them. And so, language is always late for its subjec...
Patagonia’s community has raised $10 million in donations to 1,043 grassroots environmental organisations in 17 days, which is being matched...
Bristol now has 20 Tap for Bristol contactless donation points around the city centre, raising a total of £150 per day to support homeless p...
“The next generation of donors” is not just the latest fundraising trend or catchphrase for development teams. Nonprofit organizations have ...