From campaign launches and requests for donations, to suggestions of ways to help, messages of thanks, and some offers of support for charit...

From campaign launches and requests for donations, to suggestions of ways to help, messages of thanks, and some offers of support for charit...
Foundation Scotland, Scotland’s community foundation, is marking its silver anniversary today – St Andrews Day as well as Giving Tuesday. ...
The National Lottery Community Fund has distributed £3.4 billion to communities across the UK through more than 72,000 grants in five years,...
In the past year (October 2020 to October 2021), Action Fraud has received 702 reports of online charity fraud from the general public, with...
Smaller foundations may be constrained by limited resource, capacity, and time, but their agility in decision making and connections to loca...
The Secret Senda initiative aims to make it easier for people to donate, with nearly one in five questioned in a recent survey saying they t...
#ArtsSummit 2021 Disrupt. This year we are still living through a pandemic that is disrupting all aspects of our personal and professional ...
The basics and beyond. Charities are inherently risk averse, but one area of risk often left to languish is in gift acceptance. As we well ...
Gift Aid specialist Barry Gower, MD of GAIN , presents an “Introduction to Gift Aid”, a 90 minute live online course that provides practica...
A bumper round up of corporate partnerships fundraising for charities as well as offering other support. PraxisIFM, Bright Tights & th...
With the £3.5m Platinum Jubilee Fund now open for applications, here is a quick Twitter round up of other funds you might not be aware of th...