The Fundraising Regulator has published its list of the charities that have paid, and not paid, its voluntary levy. According to the Fundraising Regulator, the list has been published ‘in the interests of transparency and fairness’ and reveals the names of around 160 charities that have so far not paid. Earlier in August, Lord Grade called non-payment 'unacceptable and unprofessional', and said that paying demonstrated ‘a commitment to the public that a charity believes in honest and ethical fundraising’. In addition to those on the list, the Regulator is currently negotiating with an additional 95 organisations that are not yet included. 1,570 charities were asked to contribute to year one of the levy, which is used to fund the Regulator and applies to charities in England and Wales that spend £100,000 or more each year on fundraising. The levy is based on the ‘spend on generating voluntary income’ data submitted as part of the annual return to the Charity Commission made by charities for the year ended 31 December 2014. There are ten banded thresholds, which determine how much a charity is expected to pay. One spending £100,000-£149,000 would pay £150 a year, while at the top of the scale, a charity spending over £50m would pay £15,000. FR Regulation Watch, which tweets every time a charity joins the Regulator in an attempt to inform the levy debate in an impartial way, has released a graph illustrating the levy payers and where they fall on the payment scale: The Fundraising Regulator has said that those listed as non-payers have either refused to contribute to the levy, or have not responded to its communications and added: “ The list will be updated to include charities with whom we are still in negotiation, as and when they decide whether or not to pay. As such it is a live document. “As always, we are grateful to those charities who have paid the levy, and look forward to continued collaboration in the future.”
from UK Fundraising
UK Fundraising
» Fundraising Regulator publishes list of payers & non-payers of voluntary levy
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