
Want to impress everyone with your great fundraising results?

Check out these fundraising truths from the Candid Blog, at You can stop guessing about what works in fundraising and what doesn't.

They work for two reasons:

  1. They are true.
  2. Most fundraisers ignore them -- do it right, and you instantly rise to the top.

Here they are:

  1. Don't be timid in asking. In every fundraising message, ask repeatedly. Three times if the message is very short. Or more. People don't read carefully -- they skim. If you ask just once, the chance it will not be seen is high.
  2. Arouse emotions. Charitable giving is a heart-driven decision. Your rational argument for giving is irrelevant. The heart is the boss. Talk to the heart.
  3. Don't waste time "raising awareness". It's the biggest money-waster in fundraising. If you want people to give, ask them to give. That's how they'll become aware.
  4. Never judge a donor by the size of their first gift. Some donors have a much higher giving capacity than you see from their first donation. Build a program that encourages upgrading, so donors can rise to the highest level that's right for them.
  5. Send the swiftest possible thank-you. Research says thanking in 48 hours equals a 400% improvement in renewal rates.
  6. Ignore the futurists. They're always ready with that latest doomsday predictions about what fundraising channels are already "dead." Listen: it's not dead until it no longer works for you. Speculation is interesting, but not fact.

from Future Fundraising Now https://ift.tt/39r81Gy


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