
Rita Germanos from North Rocks donated a kidney to her son Daniel.
DAILY TELEGRAPH | Lauren Tesolin

Rita Germanos didn’t have to search for motivation to get herself into shape.

The North Rocks mother was driven to get her kidneys in the best condition possible before she donated one to son Daniel.

Seven months later, Daniel is healthy and looking forward to getting back on the football pitch and Rita is fitter than she has been in years.

“Not many mothers get to test their unconditional love like this. If he needed a kidney I was going to give him mine,” she said.

In 2014 the then 17-year-old was diagnosed with kidney disease.

After months of taking various medications and steroids, Daniel’s condition had deteriorated, with the only option left to go on dialysis, before undergoing a kidney transplant.

Unfortunately the waiting list was between five to 10 years.

“My husband and I knew we couldn’t let him wait that long so we started looking into live donations in the hopes one of us would be a suitable match,” Mrs Germanos said. Continue reading
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