
Sunday event at Copello Park will raise funds for 6-month-old Charli Jo

Charli Jo Zumbach was born on April 1. At 2 months old she was diagnosed with biliary atresia, a rare disease of the liver and bile ducts that blocks the bile ducts. That causes the bile to remain in the liver and destroy the liver cells. Soon after her diagnosis she underwent a six hour surgery, which was unsuccessful.

Now baby Charli is at Lucille Packard Hospital awaiting a liver for a transplant, and area softball players will help raise funds for her care during a tournament that starts at 8:30 a.m. Sunday at Copello Park in Angels Camp.

Time is running out, however, to wait for a liver donated as the result of a donor’s death. So doctors are considering another possibility – using a small portion of an adult liver. When this is done, the remaining part of the donor’s liver regrows to the size the body needs in weeks. Continue reading
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