Climate activists Greta Thunberg and George Monbiot talk about solutions to the problem of anthropogenic global warming: a combination of leaving fossil fuels in the ground and protecting and restoring living ecosystems like forests, mangroves, swamps and seabeds that can pull enormous quantities of carbon from the air and store them safely, naturally. Current government subsidies around the world enhance the use of fossil fuel. Thunberg and Monbiot advocate for the increase in funding for natural climate solutions so that we can protect and restore the environment for future generations to come. Thunberg and Monbiot, walk their talk. Likewise, this film was made with the smallest environmental impact possible. "We took trains to Sweden to interview Greta, charged our hybrid car at Georges house, used green energy to power the edit and recycled archive footage rather than shooting new," says Tom Mustill of Gripping Films. Everything we do counts. What will you do?

from DailyGood.org https://ift.tt/2n9Z41r


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