Corporate fundraising is an excellent way to give back to the community and create a good reputation for your business. You’re helping those in need, while igniting positive PR for your organisation. There are steps you’re going to need to take if you want to execute your fundraising campaign properly and get people excited and involved in what you’re doing. It’s a wise idea to pick a cause or charity that touches a lot of people so those you work with feel passionately about it, if you want to succeed. It’s also going to be essential that you’re well organised and have a plan in place for how you’re going to communicate the details to your staff.   Advance and apply your leadership skills Your fundraising campaign at work is going to be a lot more successful when have the appropriate business and leadership skills to execute this type of endeavour. One idea is to look into getting your doctor of business administration qualification, which will prepare you for solving complex business issues and leading your team to success in this area. Without the proper leader in place, you risk your efforts getting lost in the shuffle and no one following through with what you set out to do. As the leader, it’s also your job to get the other business executives engaged in your efforts and to step up and choose to contribute themselves. Advancing your skills and taking the lead on such projects are great ways to improve your resumé and gain more experience in the business world.   Pick a goal A successful fundraising campaign begins by having a plan and setting a goal that’s challenging, yet achievable with a little hard work. If you set a goal that’s too difficult you risk people becoming disinterested in your campaign and feeling defeated before they even begin. Determine how much money you want to raise or items you want to collect (depending on your charity) and then make sure everyone involved knows the objective. The goal setting process is usually what gets people fired up and excited about the campaign in general. Choose one goal so you don’t confuse people or make it too complicated for your staff to understand.   Choose the right timing What you want to avoid is those at your company feeling like this is a chore instead of a positive event to participate and get involved in. Therefore, pick a time of the year when your employees aren’t as busy and can get involved in what you’re doing. Your goal is to get their full attention so they’re willing and able to help you out and support what you’re doing. You may even want to tie it into other business initiatives you have going on so you can draw more attention to it. For example, if you have a big company conference coming up this could be a good time to announce your fundraising campaign and start asking for donations.   Develop relationships It’s also a wise idea to reach out and develop relationships with the organisation you’re working with to raise funds. Get to know them on a professional and personal basis so you feel more connected to your fundraising initiatives. The more excited and passionate you are as the leader, the more likely it is that those around you will feel the same. Execute a successful fundraising campaign at work by getting to know the charity you’re working with and understanding their mission. Create a story around what it is they’re trying to achieve so you can get others to feel emotionally invested and connected to what you’re trying to accomplish.   Create metrics You’re also going to want to be able to know what success looks like when you’re all done and wrapped up. Come up with metrics that you can monitor and track to see how you’re doing along the way so you can make any necessary adjustments as you go. Assess your results so you know what works and what doesn’t and can take a more impactful approach the next time around. Measuring your performance will allow you to see exactly where you’re making forward progress and it makes sense to invest your time.   Market your campaign No one is going to know what you’re up to or are trying to do if you keep it a secret. Therefore, come up with a marketing plan to get your efforts publicised around the workplace and with your employees. One idea is to create a campaign video explaining more about the charity you’re working with and your goals. It may even go viral and you could end up raising more money than you ever imagined possible. Also, create a website so people can quickly access the information they need about the campaign and share it with others. The key is to promote your campaign as much as possible so it becomes common knowledge and the majority of your staff are involved in helping to make it a success.   Say thank you and celebrate One of the most important actions you can take is to thank everyone who contributes to the fundraising campaign. This includes anyone who gives money or donates items or time to the cause. Don’t be afraid to host a celebratory event or party after you’re done with your employees and those from the charity to review how much you were able to collect and remind everyone where the money is going. The more grateful you are the more likely you are to get support and encouragement in the future when you want to host another fundraising campaign.   Conclusion Fundraising can be challenging and it definitely takes dedication and determination to be successful at it. Achieve the results you desire in the workplace by following through with these recommendations. Remember that what’s most important is that you act as a leader and have the time and energy to see the entire campaign through to the end. James Daniels is a freelance writer, business enthusiast, a bit of a tech buff, and an overall geek. He is also an avid reader, who can while away hours reading and knowing about the latest gadgets and tech, whilst offering views and opinions on these topics.  

from UK Fundraising https://ift.tt/2CYGbTx


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