
A lot of crazy bad ideas get kicked around at nonprofits.

Most often in board meetings.

Here's a list of some that have actually been considered, from Wild Apricot, at 15 Utterly Insane Fundraising Ideas People Actually Thought Would Work.

Please use these as a warning!

  • "Just call Bill Gates!"
  • Collect and sell slightly used airplane toiletry kits on eBay.
  • Become a medical or recreational marijuana dispensary.
  • We have an anonymous syringe exchange program that works primarily with homeless substance users. It was once suggested by a funder, that we take pictures of all of them and make a coffee table book."
  • Host a naked cycling race for sponsorship.
  • "Have you ever heard of crowdfunding!??!?"
  • Hold an onion peeling competition with sponsorships to see who can last the longest without crying.
  • "Hire only very attractive young women with nice bodies...it works for pharmaceutical reps?"
  • "Just write a grant!"
  • Create a heartwarming animated film about cats to make some extra cash.
  • "What if you challenged people to dump ice over their heads?"
  • Make an indoor pool "nude" for one night only and charge admission.
  • "Just ask [sponsors] nicely."
  • Offer lap dances to your biggest donors.
  • Agree to be tasered, charging $1,000 for each second of shock.

Keep searching for good ideas.

Just move on from the bad ones before anything terrible happens!

from Future Fundraising Now http://ift.tt/2vHCxvK


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