
I know you already know that telling stories is far more effective at motivating donors to give than showering them with statistics.

But did you know that the facts-and-stats approach can actually make your donors feel antagonistic?

As reported at Clairification (Donor-Centered Storytelling Boosts Fundraising. Period. -- Stories Attract; Data Distracts.

Here's how:

With data, we naturally put up our dukes to try to refute the information. Fill your content marketing with facts and numbers and you’ll stop your readers dead in their tracks. It makes them feel combative.

Fundraising is challenging. Who needs to additional barrier of donors feeling combative?

Go with stories!

Ready to really connect with your donors? Take my online course, Irresistible Communications for Great Nonprofits. It's a four-part complete masterclass in the surprising things that work in fundraising. Details here.

from Future Fundraising Now https://ift.tt/2y7LGj8


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