Tycoons moored on Riviera branded uncaring as lifeboat appeal ‘sinks without trace’ The wealthy tycoons and oligarchs enjoying summer on th...

Tycoons moored on Riviera branded uncaring as lifeboat appeal ‘sinks without trace’ The wealthy tycoons and oligarchs enjoying summer on th...
There's a chance your board, boss, marketing department, or someone else has prohibited fundraising for your organization. How? By ma...
There are over 25 million refugees in the world today. Melissa Fleming, chief spokesperson for the UNHCR, the United Nations Refugee Agency ...
Through sharing the perilous highs and lows of working in the sector, this book is partly a rallying call for non-profits and foundations to...
The People’s Postcode Lottery’s Dream Trust is looking to award funding up to £1million each to inspiring projects that have an original and...
LOROS Hospice is hoping to track down the descendants of a woman whose letters to a British POW were found in a donation to one of its shops...
The International Development Committee has roundly criticised the aid sector for its failure to address sexual exploitation and abuse in it...
Damning report says sector has shown ‘complacency verging on complicity’ Charities have shown “complacency verging on complicity” in respon...
It's tempting to approach any writing task as an adventure taken on a lark. (Warning: Nerdy Tolkien reference is about to ensue.) ......
Cities of the future should have less grey and more green, according to leading thinkers Thomas Lovejoy and Jonathan F. P. Rose. In this Gar...
American social enterprise organisation 48in48 is coming to London in November, to work with volunteer marketing professionals to build 48 w...
Community Foundation Tyne & Wear and Northumberland has launched an initiative aimed at encouraging people to sign up to donating each m...
"I think artists have the opportunity not just to call attention to problems and preach, but to really help solve problems, to help cre...
For many people, the things we regret in life might be the big ones: either moral failings, career opportunities missed on the way to succes...
Trust is an essential component to building a brand that engages patients, consumers, families, volunteers, and donors with your organizatio...
When an organization creates a matching gift program , whether it be an open, full-year opportunity, a focused match for a giving day like #...
Rarely does a teacher take the time to explain to a student how to learn. They will explain the topic and sometimes how to learn that topic,...
Volunteering and giving remain steady but are still lower than in 2013-14, according to DCMS’s Community Life Survey 2017-18. The Community ...
Here is a round-up of the latest moves in the sector, including new CEOS for Variety, Institute of Legacy Management, MiHC, and Addenbroke...
Smee & Ford has released its Legacy Trends 2018 report, which shows legacy income to have reached its highest ever level last year, and ...
There's not enough advice about great graphic design for fundraising out there. That's probably because the words you use have more...
After being sidelined by injury, professor Michael P. Branch vowed his year would be filled with 1000 miles walked. As he logged his miles, ...
Millennials are four times more likely than older generations to put their money in impact investment funds, focused not only on generating ...
Sage Foundation is looking for charity pioneers in the UK to celebrate, with those nominated in with a chance to win the sterling equivalent...
Three organisations from the UK have made the shortlist for the international Postcode Lottery Green Challenge. Twenty-five start-ups in tot...
Three bursaries are available for October’s IFC 2018: Together we can, for women aged up to 36 years of age, working in the social impact se...
Worried about your logo? Is it tired and old? Don't worry. At least not about that. Your logo probably has only small impact on the s...
"What is it like to be in the midst of a miracle? The idea of a miracle sounds so warm and delicious, the kind of thing you would aspir...
Bruce Tait, Chief Executive of BTA, will be riding around the North of Scotland on his motorbike this summer, to deliver fundraising trainin...
Shopping and fundraising website Give as you Live has launched its first smartphone app, on iOS. Shoppers can sign up to Give as you Live t...
A three-week celebration of philanthropy in the North East will take place this November. The GeNErosity Festival of Philanthropy has been d...
What does it take to be a very god fundraiser? Well, lots of knowledge and experience. But I think you'll agree that isn't enough...
An auction of paintings belonging to the late Irish playwright Brian Friel and his wife is expected to raise €100,000 for a homelessness cha...
What would it take to create a world with zero poverty, unemployment, or net carbon emissions? In "A World of Three Zeros," econom...
The Clatterbridge Cancer Charity is asking people to buy a LEGO® brick to help it raise more than £500,000 towards its new cancer centre – a...
More than 60 singers have sung specially commissioned songs on top of nine of England's highest peaks, commemorating the gifting of 14 L...
A new £4m funding programme aims to help communities transform themselves through arts and creativity. Creative Civic Change is a joint init...
The below is an excerpt from a new eBook from Blackbaud, The Case for Cause Marketing . Read the entire eBook here . Who needs a seat at ...
Letter from 36 representatives of the UK’s leading international development organisations Tuesday is full of opportunity and promise, as wo...
Local charities and community groups will shortly be able to apply for grants from a £3 million fund raised by players of People’s Postcode ...
A significant fall in donations has led to job losses at the Irish Red Cross, according to the Journal.ie. The Irish Red Cross’ General Secr...
I just heard the sad news that Jerold Panas died. He was closing in on his 90th birthday, and if anybody has lived a full and wonderful li...
What is your idea of a pathway; both literal and figurative? And once you have started "down this path", have you ever paused to c...
For National Volunteer Week this year, I spent some time reflecting on the volunteers we have, and what life at The Vegan Society would be l...