
In email fundraising, the first hurdle -- getting the email opened by the recipient -- is the hardest one.

Here's some help with subject lines from the Constant Contact blog, at 6 Ways to Use Personalization In Email Subject Lines for Better Open Rates:

  1. First names. (Big winner for open and click-through rates.)
  2. Interests. (What do you know about them based on their behavior?)
  3. Birthdays/Anniversaries. ("Happy Birthday" is often a big winner.
  4. Transaction history. (Refer to their giving history, such as "What you did exactly one year ago.")
  5. Urgency/scarcity. (Refer to something you know they've responded to before, such as "Last 24 hours for Thanksgiving meals.")
  6. Location. Refer to their local weather. Or just name their city or state.)

I'm available for free 25-minute coaching sessions. Just click here and directly schedule an online conversation with me or with Sean Triner.

from Future Fundraising Now https://ift.tt/2IW9YgP


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