
There are a number of fundraising myths that are widely believed, but have no basis in fact. Here's a helpful post from the Abeja Solutions Blog on these myths: 6 myths that fool new fundraisers.

If you are letting any of these myths drive your fundraising strategy, you are not doing the best with your resources!

  1. We need to focus on Millennial donors. We don't. Donors are overwhelmingly over age 60. Young donors give less, give less often, and have the lowest retention of all donors. (See How to beat the fundraising "Millennial gold rush".)
  2. Online channels drive most of today's fundraising revenue. Not quite. Online giving is about 8% of total giving. It's growing, but still far from dominant.
  3. Email is a cheap way to raise money. While it lacks the rising costs of paper and postage, email is a tough place to succeed. Doing it right takes a lot of time and technical expertise. And even at best, response rates to email are low.
  4. No one responds to direct mail anymore. Direct mail response rates are generally lower than they used to be, but it's still a strong response medium.
  5. Social media is a great fundraising channel. There are bright spots, but in general, social media is better at generating engagement than revenue.
  6. We should only "bug" people once a year to give. Once-a-year fundraising has loses donors at a much higher rate than more frequent fundraising. By far.

from Future Fundraising Now http://bit.ly/2viS2IA


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