Manoj Gogoi is a 44-year old father of two and self-taught naturalist dedicating his life to assisting the people and animals of India live in harmony. Through his tireless efforts thousands of animals have been rescued and returned to the wild. More than that, he has inspired others to volunteer with him and begun to alter the attitude and actions of people to consider the place of wildlife in their world. What pulled Gogoi to dedicate his life to wildlife conservation? "I was born in the Kaziranga area of Assam. I grew up in the lap of nature teeming with rhinoceros, leopards, beautiful Himalayas birds and snakes, even venomous ones. It is a familiar environment for me since childhood. Naturally, I developed a genuine fondness for the wild," smiles Gogoi. Find out more in this article from "The Better India".

from DailyGood.org https://ift.tt/2NrYSpW


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