
Here's an interesting test reported at ProActive Content: Are Your Fundraising Emails Over-Designed?

The test compared three different versions of an email:

  1. A fairly typical, minimally designed email offering a free book in exchange for a donation of any amount.
  2. Used the same design, but added in deadline-driven copywriting to increase urgency.
  3. Altered the copy to sound more like a letter, and presented it as a text-only email with no design.

The winner: #3 -- 116% more donations than #1, which was the lowest performing version. (#2 was between, doing 36% more than #1.)

My experience with this type of testing in most fundraising channels has been similar.

Pretty design rarely does the job in fundraising.

If you're putting a lot of effort into making your fundraising materials look beautiful, you are working against yourself.

Keep it plain, simple, ordinary, even home-made looking. It might not be as pleasing that way, but I think you'll find the results more than make up for it!

You have just one day left to register for the free online workshop, The Hidden Treasure of Fundraising: Your Map to Transformational, Sustainable and Practical Success. It's on September 5th and September 6th. Don't miss it!

from Future Fundraising Now https://ift.tt/2HLFUGt


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