Genomeweb | Andrea Anderson
NEW YORK (GenomeWeb) – Members of the International Genetics and Translational Research in Transplantation Network (iGeneTrain) are banding together to apply genomics to transplantation studies in the hopes of better understanding and improving transplant patient outcomes.
In a paper in press in the journal Transplantation, the team described the goals and progress made so far for the iGeneTrain effort. When the paper was submitted, that work included 22 genetic studies, though the tally now comes in closer to 30 studies, according to information on the iGeneTrain web site.
Through genome-wide association studies involving more than 32,000 organ donors or recipients of kidney, liver, heart, or lung transplants, the researchers are searching for genetic factors contributing to both short-term transplantation success or failure as well as longer-term complications, including side effects related to the immunosuppressors transplant recipients receive to stave off rejection. Continue reading.
from Donate Life Organ and Tissue Donation Blog℠
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