
Times Leader | Geri Gibbons

Gift of Life volunteer and kidney donor Karen Van Why, of Wilkes-Barre, is shown at a health fair with a ‘Threads of Love’ memorial quilt honoring local organ and tissue donors. Submitted photo

When is a quilt more than simply a way to get warm on an autumn evening?

When it is a tribute to more than 100 organ and tissue donors from the Wilkes-Barre area and all of Northeastern Pennsylvania.

The “Threads of Love” Memorial Quilts Exhibit will be held at the Commonwealth Medical College, Scranton, in conjunction with the Steamtown Health Fair on Oct. 10. The quilts display and health fair are free and open to the public.

Initiated in 2000 by the Gift of Life Donor Program, each quilted square, which make up several quilts, provides a special memory of those who have donated organs or tissue.

Often included in a quilt square is a treasured item of clothing that had been worn by the person who donated an organ or tissue or a photo of those who have donated engaged in their favorite activity as a reflection on their lives. Continue reading


from Donate Life Organ and Tissue Donation Blog℠ http://ift.tt/1VxHcSC


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