

Did I hear someone say Direct mail is dead? Again?

Whoever said it, they need to stop! Because it just isn't true.

While direct mail is more challenging than it used to be, it's still the largest and most dependable source of donated revenue here in the US, and in most countries that have a reliable postal service.

And while online giving is clearly grabbing market share, direct mail is a top source of online giving. If direct mail actually died, it might take online giving with it!

In short, if you are serious about raising funds, you need to be serious about direct mail. Even if you've got some kind of digital mojo going that's bringing in plenty. You'll accomplish more and deepen your relationships if you put the mail to work for your cause.

Which is why I hope you'll take my new course at Moceanic, 7 Steps to Creating Record-Smashing Direct Mail.

It's going to rock your direct mail world!

Because you'll find out just how non-dead direct mail can be!

We'll look at a whole bunch of super-practical, total-tactical ways to do direct mail better.

We'll talk very specifically about:

  • Outer envelopes that get opened.
  • Letters that touch donor's hearts and make them eager to donate.
  • Reply devices that rake in the revenue.
  • Lift notes that more than pay for themselves.
  • Other amazing things you can include to improve results (and at least one thing you should never include in your direct mail).
  • You'll even learn a trick or two for more effective return envelopes.

But that's only part of what you'll get:

You'll look at the things you should do before you start work on any direct mail pack. Do these things and you'll not only do far better work ... you'll do it in a lot less time. And you'll be much less tempted to strangle your co-workers in the process.

And you'll discover the critical things you absolutely must do after the donor gives. The stuff that most fundraisers aren't doing -- at enormous cost to their organizations.

Register here for 7 Steps to Creating Record-Smashing Direct Mail!

And do it now, because for the next week, you save $100 on the course. The normal price is $397. But if you Register now, it's just $297.

... which is a ridiculously small amount to pay, given how much more you'll be able to raise with the practical stuff you walk away with.

  • Four info and inspiration-packed 90-minutes online courses.
  • Take them at your own pace and on your own schedule.
  • Tons of practical bonus materials that would by themselves cost hundreds of dollar if you could even buy them.
  • Access to the amazing Moceanic community (the smartest and coolest fundraising professionals around the world).
  • And it's guaranteed. If you don't think it's worth what you paid, you can have your money back.

I know you're busy.

I know you weren't born yesterday and you're properly skeptical about what one online course can do for you.

But this is the one you should take. It will send you in a new and exciting direction.

More confident.

And raising more money for your cause.

Register here for 7 Steps to Creating Record-Smashing Direct Mail.

I'll see you there!

from Future Fundraising Now http://ift.tt/2nuxRDT


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