
The raising money online is hard. And one of the hardest parts, where many otherwise great campaigns fizzle out, is the donation page.

EveryAction blog has a great gallery of donation pages that don't fizzle out: 12 Nonprofit Donation Pages That Don't Suck. It's well worth your time to take a good look at these pages.

Note what almost all have in common:

  • They are mobile responsive -- they reformat for small screens, making it just as easy for users no matter what device they're using.
  • No distracting navigation. Once someone is on a donation page, don't give them other interesting places to go.
  • Simplicity. Only what's really needed is there.
  • The donation process is broken into several steps.

As you'll see, there are a lot of ways donation pages can look, but a few ground rules for the ones that really work.

Steal smart!

from Future Fundraising Now https://ift.tt/2P4PeaA


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