There's a committee that's hell-bent on making your writing terrible. You urgently need to get rid of them, and here's some help from the Publication Coach Blog, at Do you need to disband your committee of A**holes?
The problem with this committee is they have so much power over you.
It's not the committee you might think I'm talking about -- though that one can be a real problem too. I'm talking about the committee that lives in your head.
That's why they have so much power.
They watch you write, and constantly chime in with comments like:
- This is really boring.
- You'd better make this a lot better than usual.
- You need some more research.
- That word is wrong. And that one ... and that one...
- You're not very good at this, are you?
You know how it goes.
You grind to a halt.
Your writing is not only bad, it's nearly non-existent.
And you feel like crap.
You can't get rid of your committee entirely.
But you can keep them silent when you need them to be silent.
Don't let your committee of a**holes take control of your writing. Instead, write without considering quality. And for goodness' sake, break the habit of editing while you write.Editing should always be a job for another day -- after you have had a good long break, to get perspective.
You see, if you exile your committee from the room while you're writing, then let them back in when you're editing, they can actually help you. Their comments at that point help you make your writing better.
Learn to break your writing into the separate stages of writing and editing.
from Future Fundraising Now
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