
What's the difference between organizations that are thriving and those that are falling more and more into financial ruin?

One of the big differences is contact with donors.

If you're in touch with your donors, you have probably seen increases in revenue.

If not, you are likely hurting.

Check out this slice of data from the Bloomerang Blog, at Data Shows The Effectiveness of Personal Outreach to Donors During COVID-19. It's a random sampling of Bloomerang customers, looking those who reached out to donors personally (March 1 through May 31 this year) compared to those who didn’t -- and the difference in revenue over the same period last year:

Contacted donors by phone

  • 26% did this; for them, revenue was up 17.7%
  • 74% did not; for them, revenue was down 14.7%

Sent personal emails to donors (these are direct person-to-person emails, not "e-blasts" to wide audiences)

  • 58% did this; for them, revenue was up 9.9%
  • 42% did not; for them, revenue was down 27.5%

Contacted donors in person (includes online video connections)

  • 18% did this; for them, revenue was up 17.4%
  • 82% did not; for them, revenue was down 6%

It's pretty straightforward. Whatever your know-it-all board member says, contacting donors is a good thing.

Going silent costs you.

Don't believe that made-up tales that donors are terrified and will react with overwhelming negativity if you reach out to them.

It's not happening.

from Future Fundraising Now https://ift.tt/3cOImbM


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