
Elevated donor troponin I levels in the setting of preserved left ventricular ejection fraction may not be a contraindication to heart transplantation, researchers reported in Circulation: Heart Failure.

Eliminating this test could increase the availability of donor hearts, the researchers wrote.

“Heart transplantation is an incredible therapy for patients with end-stage [HF] ... but there is also a problem in that only an average of one in three donor hearts are placed,” Snehal R. Patel, MD, assistant professor of medicine at Montefiore Medical Center, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, New York, said in a press release.

“If the heart looks OK but troponin I is elevated, many centers will reject the organ out of concern that this marker indicates dysfunction of the heart that will become evident after the stress of the transplant process,” Patel said. “We looked at whether this is true.” Continue reading
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