
Life-saving recipients compete in the Australian Transplant Games

ON YOUR MARKS: Transplant recipients Jayden Skrtic, 7, Paul Drabsch and Wairangi Te Rupe, 8, will compete in the Australian Transplant Games in Sydney next week. Photo: JUDE KEOGH
Two Orange children share a unique bond.

Both suffered from the rare liver disease Biliary Atresia. Both needed life-saving liver transplants at a young age. Both survived. And now both will compete in sporting events at the Australian Transplant Games in Western Sydney next week.

When you look at the healthy smiling faces of Jayden Skrtic, 7, and Wairangi Te Rupe, 8, it is hard to imagine the turmoil that has dominated their short lives.

Wairangi also had lymphoma four years ago.

Mum, Samantha Te Rupe, said on Tuesday it had been a traumatic time, but was delighted now to see Wairangi competing in a healthy environment.

“It’s emotional. You just remember all those times you didn’t think you’d see anything like this. It amplifies just how proud you are.” Continue reading
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