
The Philanthropist’s Tale, published by Urbane Publications, tells Laurie Marsh’s rags-to-riches story. His career includes persuading Disney to license their characters outside the USA and convincing film stars to perform in low budget movies (his company Tigon produced 75+ films).

He has also developed and operated hotels, theatres, a 150-screen cinema chain and founded an international film distribution company. His passion for film production is visible in his support of London’s very own Cinema Museum, the venue for the fundraiser and book launch in October 2016.

Laurie Marsh is one of the world’s most successful entrepreneurs but you’ve never heard of him until now. Here for the first time is the incredible tale of one of the world’s leading philanthropists; from the streets of Lambeth to glamour of LA, it’s a compelling true story of rags to riches, and sharing those riches with others From persuading Disney to license their characters for use on raincoats, to convincing film stars to perform in low budget movies, Laurie has carved success from his confident, entrepreneurial and collaborative approach to life. And much of his success has been shared, his philanthropic work reaching the levels of far more public ‘givers’. Now in his eighties, Laurie still works every day, using his wealth and influence to help as many good causes and charitable organisations as he can, from building community centres to advising the government on how to make the NHS self-sufficient. It’s an inspirational and fascinating story of entrepreneurial success, and commitment to deserving causes. Entertaining, inspiring, educational, Laurie’s story is the unique story of one man’s determination to succeed, then use that success to benefit others.

Author Laurie Marsh’s profits from the sale of The Philanthropist’s Tale will be divided between the organisations he supports via his family’s charity including Medecins Sans Frontiers, Water Aid, The British Humanist Association, The Cinema Museum and Population Matters.

He has also gifted hundreds of copies to charities to send to their biggest donors, to give ‘something back’ but also with the goal of encouraging further donations and support.

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from UK Fundraising http://ift.tt/2dgbs9I


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