Faith Mooney of Kerrville is recovering in a Houston medical facility after her June 16 liver transplant surgery. Family friends in Kerrville say she is responding well, but will be there until mid-July as doctors gauge her anti-rejection medication dosages and their effects. They say she’s eager to be home and start school again at Tivy High School in August. The family and community supporters are continuing their fundraising efforts to pay for her ongoing medical expenses. Courtesy photo
Faith Mooney of Kerrville, 15, needed a liver transplant after living with the chronic effects of Biliary Atresia since she was an infant.

Now friends of Faith and her family are celebrating her June 16 transplant surgery and careful recuperation in Houston.

“After the transplant starting at 6 a.m. on June 16, she had a little set-back the following Monday, but she got better. She’s being released from the hospital to stay in the Houston area,” Cindy Eckhart said. “She’ll be in Houston at least another 30 days.”

As of July 1, she is expected to be released from the hospital to stay with her family in a nearby recovery facility called “Nora’s House” that is reserved for transplant patients, while medical staff gauges delivery of her anti-rejection medication.

Eckhart at the Kerrville MiniMart office works with Faith’s mother, and said Faith won’t be released from that facility to return to Kerrville until medical staff there is satisfied she and her family can maintain her health ongoing with regular check-ups. Continue reading
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