
You've heard about "alternative facts" (that is, lies). They live in places beyond politics. There are many of them in fundraising, as noted by Jason's Blog, at 5 "Alternative Facts" for Advancement Professionals:

  • Alternative Fact 1: Donor fatigue. (No such thing!)
  • Alternative Fact 2: Asking for a planned gift should only occur after you know a donor well. (You can approach a donor with the idea any time.)
  • Alternative Fact 3: The best development professionals raise money by themselves. (It takes a village to do fundraising well.)
  • Alternative Fact 4: Annual giving is not worth our time. (Small-donor fundraising is the foundation of healthy major donor and planned giving programs.)
  • Alternative Fact 5: The "Working Board." (Board members should be significant donors.)

Don't let these alternative facts destroy your fundraising program!

from Future Fundraising Now http://ift.tt/2lIfw3y


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