
The Season is upon us!

That last few weeks of the year when a huge portion of our donations come in. It starts some time in November and comes to a sudden end on January 1.

The interesting thing about this year-end push is that the fundraising is different from the rest of the year. In a way, it's easier.

As the Better Fundraising blog puts it, year-end fundraising should Remind, Don't Persuade:

The job of your fundraising from mid-November on is to remind your donor to send in a gift, not to persuade them. Just Ask. Ask Boldly. Ask without fear. Ask knowing that your donors love your cause and your organization's role in helping them make the world a better place!

All that complex stuff we work on all the time -- offer, story, beautiful writing ... I wouldn't say it goes out the window -- but it's far less important.

Your fundraising job during year end: Be there for donors who are in give mode.

Make it easy to give. Be there often enough that they find you in all the other noise. (It's the time of epically packed mailboxes and inboxes.) Be clear and compelling.

But mostly be there.

That's the main secret to a successful year end!

from Future Fundraising Now http://ift.tt/2yLRCgM


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