
The Fundraising Regulator has called on charities to review its coronavirus fundraising guidance in light of the Omicron variant.

The guidance was produced earlier this year by the Fundraising Regulator and the Chartered Institute of Fundraising to help charities and their fundraising partners fundraise safely and responsibly in ways which protect the public, fundraisers, and volunteers. It has been updated as of 15 December 2021 and includes reference to recent changes introduced by national Governments such as face coverings and vaccine passports.

Points of note include:

  • There are differences in restrictions across England, Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland, so organisations will need to ensure that fundraising is in line with Government guidance in the nation in which fundraisers are operating. Guidance may change over time and at short notice, so charities should be prepared to be flexible.
  • Fundraising should only happen once a thorough risk assessment has been carried out. Even if risk assessments find that it is safe to carry out fundraising activity, organisations must consider the public appetite for interacting with people outside of their household at this time.
  • Charities should consider the public mood and likely feelings and preferences of supporters. They should be ready and willing to explain openly and clearly why they are fundraising in a particular way, how they are following Government guidance, and the steps they have taken to ensure it is being done safely and responsibly.

The full guidance can be viewed here.

from UK Fundraising https://ift.tt/3ITuQoG


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