See3 Communications is inviting charities and nonprofits around the world to nominate videos to their annual DoGooder Awards.
The DoGooder Awards have been run for 10 years to highlight the power of video to create change in the world.
This year the awards feature a new category of YouTube Creators for Good.
The other categories are:
• The Best Nonprofit Video Award: honouring nonprofit organisations using video to make change
• The Funny for Good Award: recognising effective use of comedy to make people laugh and take action.
Entries are now open and the deadline for entries is 12 February 2016.
A shortlist for each category will be drawn up, and the public will be invited to vote on these finalists between 22 February and 21 March 2016.
The awards are supported by YouTube. Winners receive free registration to the 2016 Nonprofit Technology Conference.
Winning videos get increased views.
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