
If you want to make your website more effective, a lot of what you should look into is pretty undramatic -- making it work better and serve donors more directly. Here are some great tips for commercial websites you can use to improve your nonprofit site form the Duct Tape Marketing Blog at 10 Things to Consider About Your Website in 2019:

  1. Kill the Sliders. (They're bad user experience.)
  2. Start With a Promise to Solve a Problem. (In fundraising, show how the donor can solve the problem.)
  3. Bring Whitespace Back.
  4. Provide Fewer Choices. (Too many choices leads to a lot less action.)
  5. Put Strong Calls to Action in a Number of Places.
  6. Build More Landing Pages. (The more specific and relevant the page people first land on, the better.)
  7. Create Hub Pages. (Like quasi-homepages around specific things your donors are interested in.)
  8. Consider Mobile First. (As much as 80% of your viewers are their via a mobile device.)
  9. Assess Load Speed for Pages.
  10. Address Security Concerns. (Make sure people aren't getting security notices when they visit.)

from Future Fundraising Now https://ift.tt/2U2hVXJ


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