Good article in Nonprofit Pro: The Death of 'X': Why 'Boring' Might Be Best for Nonprofits.
In this equation, X = anything you're doing now to raise funds. You'll hear it from one-track consultants: Direct mail is dead, so you need to reinvest in millennial hoverboard/bitcoin fundraising, which I just happen to be an expert in.
While it's true that our donors' use of media is shifting, which tells us that we should be doing that too -- the old media aren't dying. They're changing. Some money is moving from direct mail to email and other digital channels. So keep your eyes open.
And when someone suggests some amazing new channel, ask yourself these questions suggested by the article:
- Does it help you love those who support you more and/or help your supporters love you more?
- Does it help you and/or your supporters express that love better?
- Does it help new people fall in love with you?
Newness is not a reason to get involved in a channel. Having a reason to believe that it answers these questions -- that's how you know it's worth looking into. If you really want to be there for donors, stay with them in the "boring" channels they're still using. You can yawn all the way to the bank.
from Future Fundraising Now
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