
If you want to see depressing displays of fakiness, check out corporate Twitter feeds. Very few of them can make themselves seem authentic and human.

Sadly, the same is true of many (probably most) nonprofit Twitter feeds. It's as if they're trying to sound like a parody of a poorly programmed robot.

The Nerdy Nonprofit has some ideas for changing that -- not just on Twitter, but in general -- at Get personal: How to make your nonprofit branding feel more authentic:

  • Know your audience. (Branding falls flat when it's aimed at the wrong audience -- typically at organization insiders.)
  • Put yourself in an outsider’s shoes. (Your donors know less about your cause than you do. Don't try to force them into your mindset.)
  • Speak directly to real people. (This is strangely difficult. Just act like a human being, not like a "brand.")
  • React and communicate authentically. (Normal tone and manners are always best.)
  • Enjoy it.

When you sound authentic -- real, human, genuine, and not like a corporate robot -- you build trust with your donors.

from Future Fundraising Now http://ift.tt/2mo0Yp6


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