Any time you're not sure what the right path to take might be for your nonprofit organization, take this advice from the Passionate Giving blog: Always Ask: "Where's the Donor?"
It can transform your organization:
If, in any and every situation you face in your organization, you ask yourself and others where the donor is in the situation at hand, you will (over time) become more culturally philanthropic. This will happen because you, and everyone else who heard you utter the words, will start to put your donors in their proper place within the process, the conversation, the copy, the objective and the outcome.
Donors aren't usually in the conversations we have when we make decisions. So they can get the short end of the stick. If you keep that question on in the discussion -- Where's the donor? -- you'll make better decisions. Your fundraising results will improve. Morale can improve as priorities come into alignment. Hard decisions won't be less hard, but the answer will be more clear.
from Future Fundraising Now
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