Today’s (9th January) so-called 'Massive Monday' recruitment race will see companies that support good causes at an advantage when it comes to attracting new talent, according to the Charities Aid Foundation. CAF statistics show that one in four people say they are more inclined to apply for jobs with firms that have a strong track record of supporting charities, with recruitment firms referring to today as Massive Monday: a date when the number of job applications is expected to peak as people begin the hunt for a new career in 2017. A YouGov poll carried out on behalf of CAF last month suggests that many people believe charitable companies make better employers, and that supporting good causes helps to boost morale among existing staff. According to the poll: Just over one in four people (26%) agreed that, when applying for a new job, they would be more inclined to work for an employer with a good track record supporting charities and good causes. Women (30%) and people at the start of their career, aged 16 – 24, (47%) were most likely to be influenced by a potential employers’ charitable activity. Two in five (39%) people agree that businesses and organisations that support good causes make for better employers. Almost half (45%) of people said that supporting charities and good causes helps to improve morale in the workplace. In addition, the poll suggests that giving staff time off to volunteer is a popular way for firms to help support good causes, with almost half of the people surveyed (45%) agreeing that it was something employers should offer. Susan Pinkney, head of research at CAF, said: “There are many good reasons for companies to be active and vocal in their support of good causes. In the competitive world of recruitment, it can also give firms a real advantage in attracting new talent while retaining existing staff. “We know that there is huge appetite among businesses to work with charities. But the public often significantly underestimates the commitment of companies to charitable giving and good causes. It is in companies’ interests to work even harder to be transparent, and regularly report on how they are going about fulfilling their charitable commitments.”

from UK Fundraising http://ift.tt/2j8RI7H


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