Naomi Neale with Aidan, who received a new liver when he was two months old. Picture: Justin Lloyd |
In terms of gestation, Aidan was really just five days old when liver unit surgeons at The Children’s Hospital at Westmead gave the little boy the most precious gift — a future.
Aidan was born at 32 weeks with an extremely rare auto-immune disease.
He was only able to undergo the life-giving operation when another family made the heartbreaking decision to donate their young child’s organs.
Until then, Aidan’s dad Rob had been preparing to donate part of his own liver to save his son.
“I was two or three days away from the carving table when the donor organ became available,” Mr Neale told The Saturday Telegraph.
Aidan received his new lemon-sized liver in a pioneering 12-hour “hyper-reduction” procedure conducted by Westmead surgeons Albert Shun and Gordon Thomas. Continue reading
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