
Newsletters aren't magic for every organization. But they can raise good money for most. From Hands On Fundraising, here are some things that may be dampening the potential of your newsletter, at 10 reasons your newsletter could raise more money:

  1. Is your newsletter a self-mailer? (Put it in an envelope. They work much better that way.)
  2. Is there a letter from your CEO or board chair? (Reconsider. Or get a professional to write it for them.)
  3. Are your headlines really headlines? (Two words: supermarket tabloids. Imitate their headlines.
  4. Is the newsletter all about your organization? (Make it instead about what the donor has done -- through your organization.)
  5. Do you address your donors? (Address the donor. She deserves it.)
  6. Are you listing accomplishments? (Yawn. Tell stories.)
  7. Are your pictures boring? (Show people. Show drama. Show action.)
  8. Did you skip the caption? (Captions are among the most-read part of any printed piece. Don't miss the opportunity to draw readers in.)
  9. Did you forget to ask for help? (It's okay to ask in a newsletter. Donors want to give!)
  10. Is your marketing department in charge of the donor newsletter? (They're doing it wrong. It should be created by people who understand fundraising.)

from Future Fundraising Now http://ift.tt/1RFmkq7


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