Mom to meet with organ donor recipient of son's heart (Pollino Family Photo)
WSYX, ABC 6 | Jeff Hirsh

FORT THOMAS, Ky. (WKRC) - Labor day weekend is straight ahead.

Lots of people will be going lots of places but no one's trip will have quite the same meaning as one. A Fort Thomas woman is going to meet the man who is alive because of her son, because her son was an organ donor.

At Debbie Pollino's house in Fort Thomas there are pictures everywhere. There are letters and there are constant memories of her son, Nick, who was killed in a single car crash on I-275 in Campbell County in January, 2014. He was 36.

When Nick did not call his mom that morning as he always did Debbie called nick's cell phone. Somebody else answered.

“I said, ‘Who is this?’ And she said, ‘I'm officer so and so.’ I said, ‘Where's Nick?’ And she said there's been an accident.“ Continue reading
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