
International Fundraising Congress 2016: Transformational change happens when you focus on the right questions.

Social impact is about harnessing human and intellectual power to create change.

It’s about collaboration. It’s not tidy. It’s disruptive. And it’s not just about fundraising. (Never has been, really, but that’s where a lot of energy is focused — for obvious reasons.)

The age-old question — how do we raise more money? — isn’t the only question. It’s valid, but it doesn’t exist in a vacuum.

Change-making in 2016 is broader. The questions have to be bigger:

  • How do we get people to fall in love with our cause, our organisation and our solutions?
  • What strategies, beyond traditional fundraising, are out there waiting for us to harness them?
  • How do we pump a whole new kind of energy into our work that will influence everything from programme, to fundraising, to supporter care?

To be fair, the right questions — much less the right answers — aren’t easy and aren’t immediately clear. They aren’t universal. One size does not fit all.

For four days in the Netherlands, 18 to 21 October, the International Fundraising Congress (IFC) will help change-makers from around the world to not only think outside the box, but to kick the box aside and dance the tarantella all around it.

The IFC’s plenary speakers and session leaders will coax and cajole more than 1,000 delegates out of their comfort zones. They’ll point them to the questions that will lead to real, transformational change — in their fundraising, in their work and ultimately, in the world.

Musician, performance artist and TED Talk guest speaker Amanda Palmer will open the IFC. Palmer is a crowdfunding pioneer and author of the provocative and insightful “The Art of Asking: or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Let People Help.”

There’s a beautiful synergy between Palmer’s take on fundraising and the IFC 2016 theme — Asking the Right Questions.

Curated by The Resource Alliance, the IFC brings together 1,000 change-makers from around the world, who gather to learn from the most innovative and fearless practitioners in the sector, and to be inspired and re-energized. The programme offers a full agenda of educational (from traditional-format sessions to intensive, extended, small-group masterclasses), networking and social opportunities.

“The IFC is hands down the best investment a fundraiser can make in their career and themselves,” says Rory Green, a fundraiser from Canada.

“Thank you, Resource Alliance, for reminding me of the power fundraisers have at our fingertips. Best conference I’ve ever attended,” adds Ben Swart, NSPCC, UK

For more information or to register, click here.


About The Resource Alliance

The Resource Alliance is an agent of change for agents of change. An international network dedicated to disrupting the status quo in the charitable world. A bridge between what fundraising was and what it needs to be: bold, holistic and full of outrageous hope. We’re a salon of fresh thinkers and intrepid doers, a clearinghouse of global knowledge that nonprofits can use to meet local needs.


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from UK Fundraising http://ift.tt/2bWJDCn


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