WABI | Zachary Warren

“Hiking and canoeing being active in the outdoors that he would very quickly become out of breath and we just wrote that off for a long time off he’s not in good shape.”

Pat and Kim Donovan have lived in Veazie for nearly 30 years. After some concerning health issues, Pat received news that would change their lives forever.

“In May of 2010 I was diagnosed with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis
that’s scar tissue in the lungs that prevents the oxygen you breathe in to reach the blood vessels.”

The only effective treatment for IPF is a double lung transplant, something Pat fought for years to receive. Meanwhile, the symptoms hindered his ability to live a normal life.

“I would be out of breath and coughing just going from the living room into the kitchen or into the bathroom.” Continue reading
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Donate LIFE California | Done VIDA California

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To ensure donation happens, please share your decision with your family. At stake is the legacy you wish to leave

from Donate Life Organ and Tissue Donation Blog℠ http://ift.tt/2fqtJTm


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