WE ARE GREEN BAY |  Chelly Boutott

DALLAS, Texas. (Ivanhoe Newswire) -- More than 3,000 people are on the waiting list for a heart transplant on any given day. Only 2,200 donor hearts are available each year. For a few critically ill heart patients, the total artificial heart is their best chance for survival.

Fifty-two-year-old Bryan Tyo listens to his donor heart and smiles. Less than a year ago, he had a massive heart attack while exercising. His heart was beyond repair, but he was a good candidate for a total artificial heart, a procedure used fewer than 50 times a year as a bridge to a heart transplant.

Bryan told Ivanhoe, "Not only bought me the time, but probably saved my life, the technology did."

Bryan's wife, Risa, detailed, "They didn't have another option other than take out his heart, put in an artificial heart and then as soon as he got strong enough do a donor (heart), so definitely a breakthrough." Continue reading
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