Check this out from Classy Blog: 6 Fundraising Psychology Hacks You Need to Know. These are the so-called tricks experienced fundraisers work with all the time:
- Identifiable Victim Effect (It's much easier to care -- and give -- if you see one person in need.)
- Psychic Numbing (This is the opposite of the Identifiable Victim. When you depict the problem as gigantic, you numb people's compassion. I call it Fundcrushing.)
- The Time-Ask Effect (In many cases, if you first ask someone to give their time -- and then for their money -- they can be more open to donating. After all, it's usually easier to give money than time.)
- Emotion and the Decision to Give (Charitable giving is all about emotion. Don't spare emotional content!)
- Goal Proximity Effect (It's often more compelling to give when you're close to your fundraising goal.)
- Martyrdom Effect (This is why events can work. People are more happy with accomplishment they had to work for.)
from Future Fundraising Now
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