
Viet Nam News

More than 1,400 people register to donate organ and tissue at a festival on Saturday in Ha Noi. The event aims to raise the community's awareness and support for organ donation and transplant in Viet Nam. — Photo suckhoedoisong.vn

HA NOI (VNS) — More than 1,400 people have registered to donate organs and tissue, setting a new record in Viet Nam, at a festival entitled Joining Hands for Life, on Saturday in Ha Noi.

The event was jointly organised by the health ministry's National Centre for Co-ordinating Human Organ Transplants and the Military Medical Institute with an aim of raising community awareness of organ transplantation and donation.

Centre director Trinh Hong Son said organ donation is a meaningful movement that will open more opportunities to live for thousands of patients with liver and kidney failure on donor waiting lists.

"Organ and tissue transplant cases from brain-dead people have created a sound direction and brought opportunities to live for many patients in recent years," said Son. Continue reading


from Donate Life Organ and Tissue Donation Blog℠ http://ift.tt/1mvuycE


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